Apr 10, 2012

Before and After: Custom Guitar Strap for Tim


This is a handcrafted Guitar strap that put together for my buddy Tim. 
It was a lot of fun to make. I used 5/6 oz veggie tanned leather and some creativity!
I soaked the guitar strap which seemed like forever in some water mixed in with some carving solutions.
Then from there I stroped my swivel knife and went to town. The entire piece is freehanded. I beveled the tree impressions giving it that beautiful textured look. 
For knot holes I used a background stamp as well as a mesh tool.
I used timber wood color dye and let the sun dry it out. I try to stay very strict on using nature perfect my creations.

Here is some more photos.

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1 comment:

fathurrahman. said...

Can you make one of those for me? Please?